the life of my.localgirl

Feb 23, 2006

ski bunny!

went skiing with a bunch of friends this past weekend. . it was family day long weekend for us. . .a lovely alberta only holiday :) all was well until i was run over by an out of control snowboarder!!! she was all too apologetic. . and i barely remember being hit and getting up. .she helped me through the process . .even lifting my foot to put back in my ski. . yes, it was a doozie! i've been to the chiropractor too many times this week already! and a couple massages too. . .those i love :) . . .range of motion is better now. . but it just proves that i'm no ski bunny!

Feb 17, 2006

birthday wishes

happy birthday to two wonderful ladies. . .one of my best friends - lindsay and my favourite look alike - my mommy!!!! :) :) :) happy happy day of your birth!!! :) :) :)

from my loveiee on v-day :)  Posted by Picasa

Feb 7, 2006


i ventured into the unknown and came out victorious!!! what did i do? i made a cheesecake!!! i didn't think it would take so long, but i even missed acquasize (fun times) so i can make a white chocolate cheesecake topped with fresh strawberries. . .yummieeeee :) :) :) . . . oh it was divine. . .the occasion was a birthday. . .and a cheesecake was the order :) . . .the birthday girl, who is a fabulous baker and cheesecake experienced, gave her approval. . .let's take another look at that yummie cheesecake. . . oh and here's the birthday girl. . .ahhh. . .it really was yummie :) i know, i shouldn't brag. .but really i'm just amazed that it turned out the way it did :) . . .that evening, it was off to the hockey game. . .oilers won, sorry jr :( maybe your team will win next time. . hee hee :) . . i was trying to get on CBC. .but no such luck. . their camera never made it my way! . . and i bought 50/50 tickets and boooooo didn't win. . .but $27,000+ would have been nice :) . . anywhooooooooooooooooo. .funniest thing happened after the game. . .talk about marriage pressure. . .only this time rob was on the receiving end. . check it out on shank's blog . . .it was a classic punk'd moment! :)

Feb 3, 2006

my crazy boss!

so. . needless to say, i've been bugged countless times about when am i getting married. . .ahhh well. . .c'est la vie when you're hitting the high 20's. . .i guess. . anywayze. .so my boss came to work this morning proposing to me with the biggest rock i've ever seen!!!!. . .haa haa haa. . .yes, we do work sometimes. . . :) don't i ever look asian in this pix. . .freak out!

Feb 1, 2006

sausage town

i saw the biggest sausage this past weekend in Mundare (check it out yourself: . . .that's where rob had a hockey tournament. . yes, this is hockey country. . and it is hockey season. . .so there's rob playing

(far left)
and me cheering :) yahoo :) then this coming weekend, we're going to an oilers vs. canucks game! (wish you were here, jr) exciting. . .but as for last weekend. . it was good times. . . my car turned over 26,000km. . it's barely 2 years old. . .

love my honda. . .oh. .and here's a great commercial for honda. . .thanx to michaela who shared the link from justin's website. . .here it is: and then click on watch. . you'll be amazed. . and speaking for cars. . we also checked out the car show in edmonton. . .rob was enthralled. . .especially by this ferrari . . .cost???

1.4 million. . yes, i said million. . who wouldn't want it?. .hmmm. . . .all i have is pictures. . .but i'm close enough. . .ferrer=ferrari??? haa haa :)