the life of my.localgirl

Nov 30, 2005

new look

got bored with my long hair. . .so i decided to go for some highlights. . .first visit clearly did nothing. . seemed like all i got was a verrrry expensive haircut . .so my hairdresser, katherine (God bless her), says. . .come back and i'll do another application (for free). . nice :) . . so here it is. . myla lookin' like a cali girl. .yikes!. . but nice for a change! :)

Nov 23, 2005

awww. . .

today i had to babysit for about 2 hours. . .let me tell you. .even though he was a sweet child. . not fussy or anything. . .mama life is faaaaar ahead of me. . yikes!. . so not ready for that kind of energy. . it takes lots. . .whew! i was glad when he was picked up. . .cute though, eh? :)

Nov 15, 2005

surprise. . .tourist attractions and more. . .

this past weekend, rob and i went to visit our siblings in ontario. . .my brother knew we were coming. . his sister did not. . it was the most amazing surprise ever!!! . . .note in the photo (reflected on the trunk) my equal sense of joy as she is totally taken aback by rob being in the trunk of the car!!! it was fabulous! :) . . and of course we had to hit the tourist spots. . .CN tower. . .did not enjoy walking on the glass . . .i had the most jelly knees ever!. . . . and i saw the funnest moose ever. . .gave it a little smack on the bum. . . . . good times :) . . .the Niagara Falls. . . rob saw some gorgeous sites :) and jenelle and i sampled a giant hershey's chocolate bar. . yummie :) . . and of course. . .the Hockey Hall of Fame. . .rob and my brother were enthralled with the wonders of hockey:) . . .we spent. . guess how many hours there. . . . 4 . . .four. . .quatro. . .quatre. . .yes, 4 hours. . .it was definitely a learning experience for me :) and of course ended the weekend we a visit to wayne gretzky's restaurant. . which was surprisingly affordable and yummie :) saw Dave Hodge, a TSN commentator. . .don't know him. . but it was exciting just the same. . haa haa. . .overall. . it was a lovely time in the east! :)

Nov 9, 2005

bra fetish

this post is rated R for intimate apparel language :) . . .bras . . a must for most women. . .for me, not necessary until i gained the freshman 15 in college. . .and then i went wild. . Victoria's Secret® semi-annual sale. .i was there. . .and now that i'm not supported by my parents money. . .Target® bras work just fine :) . . .i thought that when the water bra was created . . .my fears about it couldn't have been portrayed better than on an episode of Will & Grace when Grace's bra turned out to be a water fountain!!! and now what have they come up with??? a HEATED BRA!!!! check it out
what is going on? and it comes with matching shorts. . .ahhhhh!!! read about it here: i figure it's legit as BBC reports the news. . .who knew that a heated bra can save the world!!!

Nov 8, 2005

my best friend?

sooo. . i get back to work from lunch yesterday. . .and all my co-workers are cradling a box of chocolate in their arms. . .plain. . .caramel. . .almond . . . .mmm. . . i guess it's time for the choir to start fundraising again. . .how did i miss out? lucky for me, they were kind enough to share samples. . .and mmmm mmm mm. . there is nothing yummier than belgian chocolate!!! (maybe rice and adobo chicken :) . . .but even more lucky for me. . .a choir member popped in and yes. . i supported and told them to come back anytime!. . .anyone for belgian chocolate?

Nov 2, 2005

winter wonderlust

woke up this morning to a blanket of whiteness. . .the world seems more pure. . .but is it? hmmmm. . .thankfully it's not below zero yet :) it's christmas music time! thanksgiving is way past for us in Canada. . .so we can move on to the next holiday. . .falalalalalalalala!!!