the life of my.localgirl

Jan 24, 2006

winter blahs

ok. . so it's not the normal alberta winter. . kind of mild. .actually high of 11 today. .BUT. . i feel the need to go somewhere hot and far. . .my focus this week (so far) has been the door that leads out of this office. . .bahamas. . or cancun. . .antigua. . ahh. . .anywhere tropical minus the storms. . .would love to be there now. . .on a more happy happy note. . .i'm going on a date tonite :) . . my BF is taking me out to "town". .(giggle). . can't wait. .maybe that's why my little feet just can seem to stay put . . .so in 10 minutes (30 minutes before i'm supposed to) i'm checking out of this drab office space. . .

Jan 3, 2006

Christmas is family, food & fun!

ahhh. . good times. . i'm recovering from the holiday maddness!!! first it was a not so quick overnight to vegas. . ran into some heavy traffic . . at midnight!!! yes, that city never sleeps. . .drove through the strip . . next day ran around and took photos like a tourist! which bothered rob to say the least!. . tried the slots. .didn't find any loose ones! although jr lucked out! had to check out the bellagio fountain show of course!!! which was AMAZING! gave me goose bumps! . . gorgeous what they can do with water :) and of course i had to sneak over to paris for a photo op :) we also visited luxor, new york, venice. . just to name a few! :) after a day of sin city. .it was off to San Diego to have family christmas. . .good time to be had by all!! :) . . uncle ted showed rob the ropes. .what to eat, what NOT to eat. . haa haa. . .thanx goodness someone took care of him! :) i was too busy enjoying the festivities. . .too much food. .not only did we have filipino treats. . there was turkey, mac & cheese and just food galore, really!!! :) so of course there's alwayze karaoke and "exercising" after! :) . .to work off all that grease! :) :) :) and of course the aunts were all into it! :) it was a good time to be had by the clan. . which was not the same without my parents. .boo hoo. . missed you guys!. . but still was a blast! :) after all the festivities. . .rob, jr and i hit up sea world. . .of course we can't leave san diego without having seen shamu!. . and then off to hollywood! :) . .a little bit of universal studios. . and after that whirlwind week. . home sounded good. . .it was a sweet way to end 2005. . happy new year everyone! :)