the life of my.localgirl

May 25, 2006

ahhhh. . .

i had such a fabulous weekend. . . this was the fist time i really relaxed in . . well. . since i got engaged! had a fun girls' weekend at jasper! so beautiful. . good times to be had by all! :) wedding planning going well. . .things are falling into place! ordered the cake today. .yahoo!. . .seeing the fam tomorrow! yay!!! . . .going to be a bridesmaid at my cousin's wedding this weekend. . .so i'll get to practise walking down the aisle! :) dum dum da dum. . .

May 18, 2006

meetings and meetings and meetings. . .

was in orlando, florida for the 3 days of this week. . .had the adventist enrolment association (AEA) annual gathering where we meet and eat and meet and eat some more! it was good to see all the people we work with at various college fairs throughout the year. . my boss received the "most pregnant recruiter award" . .haa haa. . she's in the beginning of her 2nd trimester. . yay! that was the highlight as there really was no time to visit mickey mouse! ah well, another time. . .wedding plans are going well. . .i have a 2 page list that must be completed. . yikes! but i'm slowly ticking things off. . so that's a plus! since it rained most of the time we were in orlando. .the sunshine outside is very distracting especially since everything is green! :) i love lacombe in the springtime! :)

May 11, 2006

images from bermuda. . .

the choir minus a few members who missed the bus. . .guess who took all the group photos?. . .

the atlantic ocean. . . .lovely blue shades. . .

playing in the ocean (with charity :) . . .

the choir sang almost every evening at the evangelistic series. . .

singing for the students of bermuda institute. . .

the (pink) public bus was our way around. . .spent much time at the bus stops. . .

with a group of 64, we always tried to pile in the buses sitting or standing. . .here we have our own "special" bus. . .we became friends with most of the bus drivers. . .

the crystal caves. . . .no touchiee. . .

one of the 2 lighthouses on the island (with charity:). . .

swinging on vines at the botanical gardens. . .hmm. . maybe i'm not supposed to? :) . . .

cute washroom signs at the 1st ever baily's ice cream shop. . .

missing robbie. . boo hoo. . .

May 5, 2006

bermuda. . .feel the love. . .

. . .that's their little saying for the island of bermuda. . .lovely place. . .haven't been able to go online for a while. . .and i'm visiting my high school friend kandis (so fun to know someone here!) and she's wired. . .so here's my chance. .i'm here for work (gotta love it). . .but really. . .i'm traveling with the choir. .and 65 people in the church basement. . .hmmm. .gets old after a while. . .but at least i have the beach to look forward to during the days. . .here's where i was today. . .horseshoe bay. .beautiful. .the water is so clear and gorgeous. . .but it's just not as enjoyable alone. . i'm missing robbie! boo hoo. . .i see all these couples holding hands walking along the beach. . .whaaaa!!! i want to be a holding-hands-on-the-beach couple too!. . ahhh. . .3 more days. .and i'm home! yahooweee!! :) and for those curious. .the wedding site is up! and it's amazing. .yahoo JR! :) visit . . leave us a message! :) . .gotta go call robbie now. . .