the life of my.localgirl

Dec 21, 2005

gift exchange

so because rob and i are going to be away for the holidays, we had his family christmas early. . .it was a lovely time. . making perogies (ukrainian dish). . .eating until my belly became like santa's. . .playing games. . and my favourite. . opening presents! so it came to be my turn once again. . and i opened my present from rob. . .what was it? a box. . .and more boxes. . .see my excitement? until the end. . .(drumroll). . i got a cinnamon bun!. .granted it's my favourite kind. . .but a cinnamon bun?. . hmmm. . apparently my gift is on the way. . talk about last minute shopping!. . anywayze. . .i was quite proud of my present to him. . .hockey tickets to the next oilers game (his fave team). . so the next day, we went to the game. . .he was giddy as can be. . .only to find that we were in the standing section. . luckily it was a fast and exciting game. . and of course. . .the oilers won!!! :) and apparently, i'm officially the best girlfriend ever!

Dec 12, 2005

three parties & a funeral home

so ya. .busy weekend. .full of parties. . .thursday night was our campus wide faculty/staff party. . . .food was yummie and lucky for me i won the grand prize of a $50 gift certificate to superstore. . .yahoo! (already spent:) next party was the "souper" celebration (we served soup & sandwiches) --a semester end party for the students where an ipod nano was given a way. . ohh wish i won that! :) . . .and best party of all. .yesterday. . our office staff went to a quaint cafe where we had an amazing catered meal. . the chef used to cook for the queen of England!!! no, really! :) . . .yum yum yum! :) . . then we ended the evening with a visit to one of our co-workers' new funeral home. . .as her husband was giving us the tour. . i started to feel a bit iffy. . hmmm. . going in to the embalming room, i was fine.. but as soon as he started talking the freezer . . ohhh. . .i couldn't take it anymore. . .i quickly exited the tour, catching myself just in time to miss a fainting spell. .ya, that's why i'm NOT a nurse!. . . .i quickly recovered as we took photos in the funeral home's lobby . . .lovely wreath! :)

Dec 9, 2005

michael w. smith

had the chance to take some of our students to have a "conversation" with michael w. smith this week. . . couldn't have been possible if we didn't have an alumnus working with the edmonton symphony orchestra (ahem. . mel). . the students loved it. . they said they left inspired. . yay for them :) . .we weren't supposed to take photos, but it wasn't announced. . and the crowd went wild. . so i sneaked a few flash-free paparazzi shots. . .rob and i later that evening went to his concert. . .he composes wonderful music. . and his backup singers were amazing! one of them being only 15. .she was incredible. . .i'm so full of holiday spirit!. . i can't concentrate of work! :)

Dec 6, 2005

it's christmas time!

what a busy weekend! hopping from one concert to the other. . i'm full of holiday cheer! :) i was asked to emcee a concert hosted by a student band called New Day. . .they were raising money for World Vision Canada. . .yay for them. . .i said yes :) . .it was my first official emcee gig at CUC. . it went off very well. . although i had cold feet the whole time. . nervous? me?. .nahhh. . . it's cold here! -28C to be exact!. . after the show. . we decorated a Christmas tree! :) good times. . . .there's all of them busy decorating. . and me. . .happy it's Christmas time again! :)