the life of my.localgirl

Aug 2, 2007

rob = 30

to celebrate robbie's big 3-0 . . .we went for a quadding weekend at Falls Creek. . about 2 hours west of Lacombe. . .the weather was sizzling hot and the trails a bit dusty. . .but we managed to find some mud and water to make the trip exciting. . .

the crew

linds. . .can't you drive? :)

getting clean in the muddy water. . .i know. . makes no sense. . but it worked! :)

fishing time. . .rob caught 2 1/2 fish. . .half cause it was the size of my hand! not enough for a meal and we were at a catch and release area. . .

somethings are NOT meant to swim. . .didn't you know that, bobert? :)

dusty after a day on the trails. . .

cleaned up with the cool (COLD!!!) mountain river water. . .

birthday lunch. . .yum. . .

beautiful scenery. . .wouldn't be able to see it if it weren't for those CRAZY trails up and down the mountains. . .worth the ride! :)