the life of my.localgirl

Oct 31, 2005

hockey night in lacombe

what a busy weekend it has been! but i did get a change to sneak away from work saturday night and play some ice hockey. . .only the second time ever in my life! in the locker room i watched as the other girls geared up and i copied them since last time i had lots of help. . . twenty minutes later all suited up in my borrowed gear, i gingerly skated around the rink for the first time this season. .trying to look cool doing my warm ups and stretches. . .no, i did not score. . yes, i'm am sore! one hour and only one (!) fall later. . .i was sweaty, tired and yes. . stinky as ever!

Oct 27, 2005

wedding bliss

one of my best friends found the man of her dreams and vowed to be forever committed to him a couple weekends ago. . .i just received an email from her today and she signed off as "MRS.". . wowee! just can't imagine being a mrs. . .but as you can see from the photo. . .they're in giddy, excited and madly in love. . .here's wishing them bliss for alwayze. . ..

Oct 26, 2005

beginner blogger

so many of my friends have started blogging that i have folded to peer pressure. . .so here goes my first blog ever. . .as a beginner blogger, i want to write about something interesting. . .but creativity escapes me at the moment. . .instead let me share the beauties of the land. . .my favourite summer scene. . .canola fields forever. . .