the life of my.localgirl

Apr 19, 2006

the ocean. . .

i saw the ocean for easter break. . .since alberta is a landlocked province. . it was a nice change of scenery. . i accompanied rob, his brother bren and sister-in-law candace (both soon to be my in-laws:) as we caravaned in a uhaul, pickup truck and jetta for 11-12 hours through the prairies, then the mountians up and down and up and down again, on the ferry, over the ocean. . and finally through the trees up to northern most tip of vancouver island (felt like it anywayze :) where they moved their lives to beautiful british columbia. . it was beautiful, but rainy, snowy and overall a wet weekend. . but we had a good time hanging out with the tanaka clan. . they filled us with too much good food and toured us around the area. . we got to see the many eagles by the beach and even more sea gulls. . too bad i'm not so quick with the camera. . .i managed to get a few shots in though :) we threw some fish for bait and they were just too quick. . swooping down before i even get a chance to focus. . .but it was incredible just the same. . .the weekend was packed with a kayak trip to shell island, floor hockey, volleyball, basketball and a new game similar to dodgeball . . yes, it was back to elementary days, but so much fun and lots of exercise!. . .it was a fun getaway. . but with a sad farewell. . .lacombe will not be the same without those two. . .wishing you the best as you pursue greater things in life! :) oh and see you at the wedding! :)

Apr 11, 2006


i love my new pair of lime green crocs! after i buy them, i find out that there's a canadian version . . . holey soles. . .i guess i must buy a pair so i can compare holey soles to my crocs. . .these shoes have kept me sane during this frantic wedding planning stage. . .actually things are going well. . i can't lie :) . . .just can't wait for the day. . and then the week after. . hee hee. . :) :) :) :) :) :) :)