the life of my.localgirl

Apr 23, 2007

a visit to the farm. . .

a couple weekends ago, we went for a long overdue visit to our friends' farm. . .the weekend was beautiful. . .the snow had melted (mostly). . .and the skies were blue. . .we watched as farmer kevin worked (actually rob joined and i watched) as it was calving time. . . we witnessed the miracle of birth (wowee!). . . explored the countryside . . .and enjoyed the company of old friends. . .

the farm. . . .(part of it)

husband and wife team working together (they were amazing!) . . . this cow had complications, so they had to "help" her with the delivery. . . (ouch!)

i learned that after they give birth, they immediately lick their calf (hmm. . .) we watched this one until it was able to stand on four feet . . .isn't it so tiny?

if the calf is male, this is what he will look like after one year. . .talk about growth spurt!

farmer kevin

back to the busy town of Lacombe we go. . .it was a wonderful visit! :)

Apr 17, 2007

back home. . .

yes, it's April. . . and yes, there's snow!